I am sitting here feeling significantly insignificant after viewing the current world’s population. This moment’s count is 7,963,890,536 at 11:13 am EDT July 30th, 2022. The number won’t mean very much unless one looks at it from one’s own perspective. The World Population Clock says the net population increases at about 2 to 4 people per second. Today is July 30th, meaning, it is day 211 of 365 where we have 154 days left of 2022. If the population clock is anywhere near accurate, there will be a net gain of about 13,500,000 who will be born minus those who will die. That means the world will reach a population of a little over 8 billion people by the beginning of 2023. The next question I pose is, how many people have ever been born here on earth? The Population Reference Bureau guestimates there were approximately 109 billion humans have been born since the inception of humankind.
I then ask, what is a human life worth? The answer may lie in our philosophical writings.
The term "value" when used in this context is subjectively fraught with considerable controversy. It is hazardous to even consider such questions. A basic economic principle: the more of something there is, the less value it has. However, do we dare apply this economic axiom to humans? Also, there are those who are members of the Earth First Club who see humankind as the scourge of the planet. Over population, our destruction of the ecosystem, and our propensity of just being dirty are a few of the idiosyncrasies we humans are known for. They tend to rank us by race and wealth with white and rich being at the top of the list. But, who are they? One of 8 Billion For quite some time, well for a significant part of my life, I have been an island upon myself. I overvalued my significance as I’m sure most humans do. But in looking at the throngs of humans in and on the popular media, I am beginning to think I may not be of much value to humankind, especially now that I’m retired. I am fortunate I was one of the seeds that fell into enough fertile soil. I’m very grateful for that. In fact, I have a much better life than a lot of people. But I still feel a bit insignificant. Oh well, I’ll be ok. This isn't about me. It’s about what people see as the value of humans in general. My personal feeling is every human life is precious. We’re not a statistic, a consumer, cannon fodder, bodies to be used to fight wars, a corporate asset or expense, etc. The problem is, not that many people feel as I do. I’m not going to say I was a saint. I was at times angry with certain people. But I never initiated any disdain because of how a person looked or acted, or where they came from. Instead, I judged a person on what they were and what they did. But will humankind ever come to value people as unique individuals and stop harming each other? Rarity of Birth Imagine, if you would, a technically advanced planet where entity procreation is a rarity. In this matriarchal society, females are dominant where males are submissive. The reason, it is very difficult for a female to conceive offspring. Over the centuries, males grew weary of sex. So, females eventually evolved to the point they gave off powerful pheromones when they became fertile. The point is this world came to greatly value each person. Wars were not contemplated, murders are an extreme rarity, and they avoid doing anything that could harm hence shorten their lives. However, here on earth, procreation is so very easy such that we have a laissez faire anything goes attitude towards each other. The Galactic Collective Somewhere in all these pages, I may have alluded to the possibility of other intelligent life existing in our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy. Today we sill can’t come anywhere close to estimating how many planets in the MWG are capable of supporting life – of any kind. No, instead, we are intent on dumbing ourselves down for the sake of a few, killing vast numbers of us for not good reasons, and killing ourselves by harming or damaging our bodies. We are taken in by glitz and glamour and making a few humans our gods. My theory is, the galactic collective, if exists, is aware of us and how we treat each other. We breed like rats, and we carelessly kill each other and destroy each other’s hard work. Basically, every day a lot of us commit the seven deadly sins. If the galactic collective does exist, they will no-doubt do what they can to see to it our world does not affect the rest of the Galactic Collective – those members who do have the capability of interplanetary travel. It is us who has the disease of treating each other with little value – unless it serves our purpose. With great technology comes great responsibility. Instead, we use our technology to harm for the benefit of ourselves. We just hurt each other. This is the part I cannot understand. I’ve always tried to help. But because I’ve been taken advantage of so much in my life, I’ve retreated into my own kind of fantasy world. In my escape, I no longer have any friends. So, because of our ways, the galactic collective is reticent about revealing who or what they are. Extra Terrestrials Classified as Clandestine The popular science media constantly portrays alien contact as a classified secret. It is said the government has hidden or destroyed any evidence including hiding or killing anyone who could possibly reveal any of this evidence. With the galactic collective in mind, this is probable because leaders of the earth may have agreed to suppress and not disclose any indications of extra-terrestrial life. It is claimed these few leaders have made it their mission to deliberately deceive the populous such that there is little incentive to seek answers. Basically, it is said we’re not ready for first contact. However, a more plausible scenario is, in their agreement with the galactic collective, these few will be allowed to govern the earth any way they see fit, and the galactic council will not interfere with the governing of the planet Earth. This, it is said, may be why we seemingly have such illogical laws and regulations. It is further described that, if the galactic collective did intervene, these leaders would… Well, they would not be able to do what it is they now do – meaning, corruptively govern for their own evil wants and desires. Besides, who knows how the galactic collective would govern? But the question then arises, what about all the technical space research earthlings are doing? The answer to that is because we want to. The galactic collective isn’t all that worried about this because relative to its interplanetary members, we Earthlings are still so very primitive in our technology. All of our si-fi fantasizing is just that, pure fantasy. I’m quite sure if we did figure out the makeup of the fabric of the universe, the galactic guard will inevitably step in and… And, then the party’s over – for the few dictators, corrupt politicians, and extremely wealthy. Technically speaking, it’s going to be a very long while before we understand how to traverse, navigate, and communicate across these vast distances. We do not have the technology of traveling any meaningful distances in space. Our nearest neighboring planet is said to be over 70 light-years from earth. Even Voyager is only about 22 hours away in electromagnetic radio speed or 14,730,000,000 miles which equals .00007% of a light year from earth. In so far as traversing great distances, we are going to have to figure something else out besides burning rocket fuel. Right now, we’re not even close. We can’t even generate any kind of meaningful fusion energy. In the end, this technology will require an understanding of gravitational … whatever. Nah – I think right now we’re stuck with each other here on this earth. Along with our fantasies, hatred, and glutney, there are saber-rattling politicians who are working towards starting World War III. P July 30th, 2022