Her quiet gentleness

Her quiet gentleness precedes her,
as she is understanding of what is around her.

Her slender being is from her good thoughts, and because
her mouth will not receive that which would harm or disfigure her.

She clothes herself in soft comfortable dress,
which is not pretentious or indigenous to slums.

Like me, she values cleanliness,
for that is liken onto Godliness.

Her view of life is through senses of being sensate,
and a quest for wisdom and to create.

She motivates herself and notices not,
the indignation or conditions of others not close.

Her fulfillment is by her occupations and creations,
rather than the stroking of acquaintances or compatriots.

She is very gentle, loving, and caring,
and also has a deep passion for her endeavors she shares.

With quiet introspection she peers through the window,
and I see in her eyes that her mind is of knowledge and insight.

We are best friends who connectivly share,
our beings, doings, loves, and also our fears.

I treasure her love, for she notices me,
not an advertiser seeking to sell her a life.

Her color or origin is a character of being,
and thus, I value the person, not the hue.

 1998 - A wish