Is Ham Radio Safe |
Ham radio or amateur radio is a methodology of
peer to peer communication with another person or persons via electromagnetic
radio waves without the need of dependence on an external conveyance
such as a landline, mobile phone service, an Internet connection, or
commercial satellites. It also does not rely upon any civil facilities
such as police, fire or disaster communications. Ham radio is
its own license class and is not a part of any military communications
including the Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) administered by
the Department of Defense, the SHAred RESources (SHARES) High Frequency[1]
(HF) Radio administered by the Department of Homeland Security, or any
other forms of government/military communications. The amateur and amateur-satellite services are
for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique
solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. Pecuniary – defines any communication that derives
from, to or about any monetary profitability. These can include
communications about business, sales, employment, etc. An amateur
may discuss the sale of personal radio equipment as long as it’s not
linked to his or her pecuniary business interests.
Twenty-seven small frequency bands throughout the
spectrum are allocated to the amateur radio service internationally. The FCC issues six license classes, each authorizing
varying levels of privileges. The class for which each licensee is qualified
is determined by the degree of skill and knowledge in operating a station
that the licensee demonstrates during an examination to volunteer examiners
(VEs) in his or her community. Operator class license classes are: Currently Granted:
Grandfathered Operator Classes:
Today most new amateur operators start at the Technician
Class and then advance to the General Class or Amateur Extra Class operator
license. Ham radio is an avocation or hobby that has a lot
of mystique as well as controversy surrounding it. It is seen
by many as costly nerdy pastime. Its antennas are seen as an eyesore.
Its radiations are believed to be detrimental to humans as well as other
living organisms.
This paper is not necessarily about the safety
of ham radio equipment or about Amateur/Ham Radio as an avocation.
It’s more about changing the perceptions of people who are not licensed
hams and are not truly knowledgeable about ham radio.
Who could these people be?
The American Radio League says that in 2016 there are approximately
730,000 licensed hams in the United States. In 2016, the population
of the US was said to be 323.1 million. That means there are 322,380,000
people in the US who potentially know very little or nothing about ham
radio. The Pew Research Center stated that in 2016, 95%
of the US owned a cellphone of some kind. That means of the 322,380,000
people in the US who potentially knew very little or nothing about ham
radio, 306,261,000 of them possessed a cell phone. It is estimated
that of the remaining 16,119,000 people in the US who didn’t have cell
phones and who potentially knew very little or nothing about ham radio,
there may be an extremely tiny fraction of these 16,119,000 people who
didn’t have immediate access to any sort of telephone or two-way radio
communications. Ham radio, it is said, has had a role in filling
this gap. At thi Amateur (ham) radio is the use of certain bands of the radio
frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages,
wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radio-sport,
contesting, and emergency communications. The term "amateur"
is a legal term which is used to specify "a duly authorized person
interested in radio-electromagnetic practice with a purely personal
aim and without either direct monetary or other similar rewards and
to differentiate itself from commercial broadcasting, public safety
such as police and fire or other professionals, two-way radio services
such as maritime, aviation, taxis, CB, FRS and GMRS. Depending
on the country, amateur radio is assigned their own set of frequencies
or bands.
Amateur radio is officially represented and coordinated
by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), which is organized
in three regions and has as its members the national amateur radio societies
which exist in most countries.
Not all countries in these regions are participants. Ham Radio Has History Amateur radio came into being after radio waves
(proved to exist by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz in 1888) were adapted into
a communication system in the 1890s by the Italian inventor Guglielmo
Marconi. ... Following Marconi's success, many people began experimenting
with this new form of "wireless telegraphy" Amateur radio is a hobby and, by law, completely
non-commercial. Individual amateur "ham" radio operators
pursue the avocation for personal pleasure through building their own
radio stations and communicating with their fellow hams globally, and
for self-improvement via study and practice of electronics, computers,
and radio and TV wave behavior. Radio amateurs are, thus, "amateurs"
in the true sense of the word: pursuit of an activity only for the love
of it. Radio amateurs cannot broadcast or transmit music and other general
public entertainment programming. The amateur radio use of the air waves
is for personal satisfaction and for forwarding the "state of the
art" of electronics and communication techniques. Amateur
radio operations can be detected in designated bands throughout the
radio spectrum, using a variety of modulation methods including Morse
code, voice and digital modes, and image modes such as television and
facsimile. For more information, see:
Where did “Ham” come from? Hertz-Armstrong-Marconi. It is sometimes claimed
that HAM came from the first letter from the last names of three radio
pioneers: Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, Edwin Armstrong, and Guglielmo Marconi.
However, this cannot be the source of the term as Armstrong was an unknown
college student when the term first appeared. The term "ham operator" was commonly
applied by 19th century landline telegraphers to an operator with poor
or "ham fisted" skills. Early radio (initially known as wireless telegraphy)
included many former wire telegraph operators, and within the new wireless
service, "ham" was employed as a pejorative term by professional
radiotelegraph operators to suggest that amateur enthusiasts were unskilled.
For more about HAM, see:
of Ham Radio. Ham Radio License To qualify for transmitting on the amateur bands,
prospective hams must pass a technical exam for the class of license
being sought. In the US, there are three levels of exams: Technician
(intro, limited frequencies and modes), General (most frequencies and
all modes), and Amateur Extra (all frequencies and all modes).
To increase privileges, one must take the next exam in the series.
The exams exponentially increase in level of difficulty. Note. In the United States, it is legal
for anyone to receive amateur radio communications. In fact, it
is legal to receive any and all radio transmissions. A post WWII
saying was: If you can receive it, it’s yours. However, it is
illegal to copy or redistribute copyrighted material. Also today
in the digital age, there are laws governing what it is you can do with
these transmissions. Basically, it is illegal to decrypt encrypted
transmissions i.e. military, encrypted broadcast OTA digital TV or radio,
satellite, WIFI, Bluetooth and mobile phone. Basically, you may be able
to tune it in, but you can’t do anything to decrypt it. Why Amateur Radio Amateur radio is very popular among people of all
ages. There are over 2 million legally licensed amateurs in participating
countries in the three International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) regions.
Throughout the decades, ham radio’s popularity
did fluctuate. Due to a variety of circumstances, more or less
people would take up the avocation or keep their license active.
Several examples that may have led to the ladder 20th century
decline of licensees include the advent of home computer technology,
dial-up bulletin boards, and the birth of the internet. Also included
was the burgeoning cell phone industry. An example of this phenomenon was what happened
at the location of the Dayton Hamvention, Hara Arena. The Dayton
Hamvention was and still is listed as the world’s largest ham radio
convention. This convention has occurred yearly since 1952.
However, in 1975, a new trade show came onto the forefront. It
seemed the Dayton Computerfest might top Hamvention in attendance.
Computers were a new thing and everyone wanted to see what they were
all about. But this would be short lived. By 2003, the wondrous
Computerfest was almost defunct, whereas Hamvention continues to prosper.
Today the Dayton Hamvention is at its new home at the fairgrounds in
Xenia Ohio. To counter the drop in interest in ham radio, testing
for an amateur license became easier. For example, in 2007, the
Morse code[2]
requirement was eliminated. Prior to 1999, testing for a ham radio license
was still rather difficult. The requirements were more stringent
and also included a requirement for fluency in Morse code. As
the privileges of classes of license increased, so did the speed requirement
of the Morse code. The licensee had to hear, interpret and understand
increased speeds of the code. In 2007, the Morse code requirement
was eliminated motivating more people to take part in Ham Radio. Until the 1960s, the license tests for all except
the Novice were a mixture of multiple-choice, essay, draw-a-diagram
and show-your-work questions. All the questions were secret.
The questions and answers in the ARRL Amateur Radio License Manual were
similar but not identical to the questions on the test. After the 1960s,
all questions were multiple choices. Starting in the 1980s, the
FCC made public both the exact questions and answers. Currently in the US, the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) offers three Amateur Radio license levels or license
classes; Technician class license, General class license and Extra class
license. Per FCC Rule 97.523 only one question pool may exist for each
license examination level. Each question pool must contain at least
10 times the number of questions required for a single examination.
The question pools are normally valid for 4 years. For more information, see
Amateur Radio Licensing in the United States. Ham Radio Saves Lives If one were to Google "ham radio saves
lives” one would get over 1200 hits just on that exact phrasing.
If one were to Google “ham radio" saves lives, one would
get over 600,000 hits. The point being, there are lots of stories
about ham radio and saving lives. Since the Internet has an average
shelf life of two or three years, it’s reasonable to assume that there
are a lot more incidents of life-saving ham radio events. Also,
there are countless incidents of ham radio coming to the rescue or providing
communications for those in need or who didn’t have access to common
carriers. In essence, ham radio does save lives.
This has been repeatedly proven especially by a
number of recent natural and manmade disasters and catastrophes that
has knocked out all forms of common communications. It is at these
times when the amateur radio has been requested to come into service. Yes, there are public safety forms of communications.
But these are often overworked, damaged, or destroyed after a catastrophe.
Potentially during times of these events such as 911, Hurricanes Andrew,
Harvey, Katrina, the January 2016 Blizzard … common carrier communications
often fail. The above are a very tiny but notable list of natural and
manmade disasters where emergency services were rendered inoperable.
In all of these, it was ham radio that was the predominant form of communication. It is commonplace for many small towns and rural
areas to lose telephone or cellphone access to emergency services.
It is also common for Ham radio to fulfill these needs. In international crises, it is ham radio that is
called upon for emergency communications. One of many examples
includes the recovery efforts after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico.
Most if not all communications were rendered inoperative. US amateur
volunteers were called upon by the Red Cross to manage communications
for this devastated island nation. Conquering a Nation Throughout history, rogue nations have attacked
other nations often times defeating their armies and overthrowing their
governments. In 20th century history, most European
countries have been attacked, some several times. In practically
all of the Middle East, wars are commonplace. In the Far Eastern
nations including China and the USSR were radical governments who have
repeatedly oppressed their people. They have also been the conqueror
of nations. In all of this, the US has been spared the indignantly
of being attacked. Though 911 was considered an attack, it was
a minuscule loss compared to what most other nations had to face in
the 20th century. The US has been fortunate in not
having to face bombardment or attack by a foreign armed military force.
However, there have been a number of times in our
post WWII history where our diplomacy has been, shall we say, not up
to snuff. The Bay of Pigs incident was said to have almost led
to the possibility of nuclear devastation in the US. The following are a few weaknesses of the US.
The question is, why did the US dodge the invasion
bullet? The answer is the conquering armies would have had to
overcome the following three deterrents within the US.
The point here is, if it weren’t for the above
three deterrents, we would probably have been vulnerable to attack.
One of those deterrents is amateur radio.
Unlike many other countries, the US encourages
licensees to take part in open and free[3]
global capable communications on hundreds of over the air radio frequencies
or channels within 27 bands ranging from longwave to microwave.
The US also promotes Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) which consists
of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications
and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications
duty in the public service when disaster strikes.
Sun Tzu “If words of command are not clear and
distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, the general is to
blame. But if his orders ARE clear, and the soldiers nevertheless disobey,
then it is the fault of their officers.” Analogy: If words
of command are clear and distinct, but they are not heard, then it is
the fault of the communications. There are a number of other benefits
to having a reliable system of communication including early warning. Is ham radio safe? I ask this of the 322,380,000 people in the US
who potentially know very little or nothing about ham radio.
Unlike other hobbies, Amateur radio is and has
been highly regulated since 1912. Unlike most other avocations,
ham radio by its very nature exposes this activity such that everyone
else can monitor what is going on. Basically, with a common generalized
multi-band receiver, anyone hammy or non-ham is free to hear what is
being transmitted. And the ham operator is fully aware of this.
It is two-way radio communications. Anyone in that chat-room
or rather tuned to that frequency can hear, see, or read what is going
on. The airwaves represent a valuable communications
commodity. Although wired networks have replaced much of the conveyances
of home entertainment, it is never-the-less still limited real estate
especially when it comes to mobile activities. It is very easy
for someone to interfere with critical communications. So, governments
worldwide have drafted strict rules governing on-air behaviors. For the US, amateur radio regulations are found
in the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Title 47 CFR Part 97—Amateur
Radio Service Rules. These describe all regulations regarding
amateur radio operations including rules, practices, and restrictions.
These also include safety as well. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
(e-CFR) is a regularly updated, editorial compilation of the Code
of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) material and Federal Register amendments
produced by the National Archives and Records Administration's Office
of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Printing Office.
It is required that amateurs keep up to date on
these regulations. Chat – Ham Radio vs. the Internet The question has often arisen: why do ham radio
when you could chat online with anyone anywhere in the world?
As I’ve said above, one is not umbilically tied to a provider.
There’s a certain feeling of freedom that comes with ham radio.
Also, those into ham radio who worked to obtain a license and to build
up their equipment and antennas have a feeling of accomplishment and
take pride in communications and protocol. Hams experiment and
build within the confines of the laws. Unlike the internet,
hams seek out and communicate with others of a similar ilk. Other Hobbies If you read,
I said that I didn’t get into ham radio until much later in life.
There were other pursuits that kept me occupied including my career
and other activities such as restoring several historic homes.
The other activity I was involved with was my vocation which spilled
into my home life. This was dial-in bulletin boards, the precursor
to the internet. Later when the World Wide Web was established
and made available, live chat became popular among us geeks. At
first, the people and messages were centered on the hobby of computer
technology. This lasted until the mid-90s when more non-computer
users got involved. Soon it stopped being computer oriented and
turned into something like Twitter or Facebook are today. After that, my US Robotics modem became obsolete
and probably ended up being donated to the Salvation Army – as I was
working on another old house as well as my career. Also, in 1994
I got my first cell phone. I called a cell provider and a fellow
eagerly came to my workplace with a phone and gladly demonstrated its
functionality. Today I can’t even get T-Mobile to fix exorbitant
erroneous charges caused by errors in their system. Five Watts around the World Always in the back of my mind I wanted to do ham
radio. The idea of sending with a few watts of electricity a message
half way around the world fascinated me. The notion of talking
to someone in this cabin in a far off wilderness in Alaska – just intrigued
me. I guess it’s like a surfer. …catchin' a wave and sittin' on
top of the world. It’s like the simplicity of posting on a dial-in
bulletin board. It’s reminiscent of my first Internet experience
with Gopher[4].
Then in 1992, I used for the first time the Mosaic[5]
web browser to cruise the various universities that were on line.
Now these computer activities seem primitively archaic. Today Amateur radio is experiencing a revival.
Many people are discovering a form of communication free from the entanglements
found with commercial forms of communication. It’s still believed
that those on the other end of a ham radio conversation (QSO) have similar
interests. Also, because of the strictness of the use of transmitting
equipment, one has better assurances about the other person at the other
end of the conversation. Unlike the Internet, the ham community
does look out for its own. It’s like the resurgence of vinyl LP records.
The new generation of vinyl fans have discovered that LPs have a greater
fidelity than that of the ubiquitous but dying CD. Many people
cringe when they discover how poor in quality their downloaded MP3s
have. For more information on today’s fidelity, see:
Vinyl LPs vs Digital
Technology. FCC Regulation Enforcement Though the task of enforcement[6]
is the primary responsibility of the FCC, the FCC does rely upon the
amateur community to monitor and report violations of the regulations.
There are hundreds of thousands of participating hams who do regularly
monitor activities on the bands. Also, amateurs do keep logs of
their activities. With modern-day inexpensive computers connected
to radio equipment, activities are easily logged and stored indefinitely.
The FCC regulations not only cover transmissions
including frequency, content and license validation; they also cover
public safety including spurious emissions, harmful radiation and potentially
hazardous equipment. For example, it is illegal to transmit using
more than the designated legal power for a particular band. It
is also illegal to interfere with any kind of external equipment including
a neighbor’s, TV, radio or other device. It is illegal to place
equipment including antennas where someone could be near or come in
contact with it and be injured or killed. Finally, the FCC part 97 regulations
state that radio equipment and wiring must adhered to the local building
codes and regulations. Antennas and Local Ordinances In 2001, the FCC adopted PRB-1 which disallowed
local municipalities from enforcing a ban on antennas for aesthetic
reasons. However, there are still areas in the United States where
antennas are illegal. These areas are designated as private land
use governed by contractual Covenants Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs).
This increasingly includes more and more of the US. Today most
suburban homes are found in HOAs or other CC&R areas. A significant
number of new developments in the inner cities are also adopting these
restrictions. In 2017, there was a proposed amendment to the FCC
rules called The Amateur Radio Parity Act to disallow this restriction,
but this has been postponed indefinitely. For one person’s experience, see:
Han Radio – to HOAs, a Radical
Oddity. So again I ask: Is Ham Radio Safe Lately there have been many concerns about electromagnetic
radiation. Radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
is the transfer of energy by radio waves. RF EMR lies in the frequency
range between 3 kilohertz (kHz) to 300 gigahertz (GHz). RF EMR
is non-ionizing radiation, meaning that it does not have sufficient
energy to break chemical bonds or remove electrons (ionization). It is theorized that large doses of radio waves
are believed to cause cancer, leukemia and other disorders. Some
people claim that the very low frequency field from high voltage overhead
power cables near their homes has affected their health. However,
none of this has been reliably proven. Visible light, infrared, microwaves and radio waves
are all forms of non-ionizing radiation. Excessive exposure to ionizing
radiation can damage our cells and DNA, potentially causing burns, sickness
or cancer. Non ionizing radiation can cause heating - this is
how microwave ovens work. High doses of RF radiation can cause injuries through
heating. For example, some people accidentally exposed to large
amounts of RF radiation from radar equipment have developed severe burns.
But it has not been proven that exposure to lower levels of RF radiation,
even over long periods of time, can have harmful health effects. Biological effects that result from heating of
tissue by RF energy are often referred to as "thermal" effects.
It has been known for many years that exposure to very high levels of
RF radiation can be harmful due to the ability of RF energy to rapidly
heat biological tissue. Ham radio transmissions are RF energy which is
a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Ionizing radiation,
such as that produced by x-ray machines and CT scanners, can pose a
cancer risk at high levels of exposure. However, it has not been proven
whether the non-ionizing radiation emitted by cellular telephones is
associated with a cancer risk. Human population centers are flooded with massive
amounts of powerful wireless microwave radiation. Cell phone towers
emit high-frequency radio waves or microwaves that can travel as far
as 45 miles over level terrain. The closer you are, the greater the
energy levels. Wi-Fi wireless routers as well as Bluetooth and
similar wireless devices give off electromagnetic radiation in the low-gigahertz
frequency range. However, there still aren't any good explanations
for how Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or mobile phones might cause cancer. The radiofrequency
electromagnetic radiation they transmit and receive is very weak. This
radiation does not have enough energy to damage DNA, and cannot directly
cause cancer. For more information about Radiofrequency Radiation:
Microwaves, Radio Waves, and Other Types of Radiofrequency Radiation
on the American Cancer Society’s web site. What about Ham Radio Between 80 to 90% of ham radio operators use about
200 watts or less of transmitter power. Rarely do amateurs use
the full 1500 peak watts of power. The FCC regulations strictly
forbid the amateur from using this level of power within close proximity
of a home or other locations were people might be. Next, ham operators don’t constantly transmit their
power. This only occurs while they are talking. Even then,
they are not using the full power output, rather the transmissions average
less than half the peak power output. Also, when they are off-the-air,
their equipment is powered down. Thirdly, amateurs are not out to irradiate people.
The object is to send all of the output power into the ionosphere and
not into the ground or into people. The goal is efficiency, not
to lose power into where it’s not supposed to go. This does not enable
the sender to achieve their goal of being heard by the other party thousands
of miles away. As I’ve said before, hams take pride in their equipment,
safety and efficiency. There are constant conversations on how
to improve communications. There are many hams in the sport called
QRP. That is very low power battery communications, often 1 to
5 watts.
Broadcast Stations As for the abundance of cell towers, although the
FCC permits an effective radiated power (ERP) of up to 500 watts per
channel (depending on the tower height), the majority of cellular or
PCS cell sites in urban and suburban areas operate at an ERP of 100
watts per channel or less. Each tower can use up to 56 voice channels
as well as several control channels.
Conclusion about Electromagnetic Radiation Today with all of our electronic devices including
diagnostic X-rays, CT and MRI scans, cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
and other remotely controlled devices, we are exposed to more electromagnetic
radiation than any other time in human history. Yet, there is
still no definitive link between EMR and cancer risk. According to the National Cancer Institute, cancer
rates in the US are declining. It would seem that with the proliferation
of electronic devices radiating radio waves, there would be a significant
increase in new cases of cancer between 1992 and 2014. For
more information, see:
Cancer Stat
Facts. Ham Radio Antennas
It is the fear of non-hams that something like
the above will suddenly appear in a neighbor’s back yard. The
reality is that the local ordinances wouldn’t allow such an antenna
in a typical suburban neighborhood much less a home in the city.
The reality is most hams put up much smaller antennas. Though
they may be installed up high, they are for the most part inconspicuous. Most hams use tall thin vertical antennas or thin
horizontal wire dipole antennas. I use a small magnetic loop antenna
that is six feet in diameter disguised as an art work sculpture.
It is in essence a stealth antenna. A magnetic loop creates a
large invisible magnetic donut which becomes the antenna. Unlike
a regular metal antenna that is cut or adjusted to one or more bands
of frequencies, the loop is a much more complicated antenna in that
it must be adjusted for every frequency or channel. Every time
the frequency is changed in the radio, the antenna has to be readjusted
to the new frequency. I have a computer connected to the radio
and remotely connected to the antenna controller which is mounted under
the antenna. The computer automatically makes the adjustments
as I change frequency. This thing is an electro mechanical marvel.
The Radio Shack My radio shack AKA ham shack is located in a finished
basement and occupies a 4 foot long table. It consists of a small
100 watt Icon IC-817 transceiver, an audio filter setup, and a computer.
My system is primarily controlled by the computer including filtering,
digital modes, rig control as well as logging. My vocation
was computer programming, so my emphasis is on computer technology.
I got the Icon for about $450 used. The PC computer was a derelict
from work, and the audio console was from my brother when he recorded
his guitar music.
My knowledge of electronics is fairly basic so
I don’t design my own radios. In fact, most hams no longer build their
own gear any more. Rigs have become so sophisticated that it is
more cost effective to purchase one instead of building one from scratch.
That’s not to say no one builds their own. There are still people
who do build rigs from parts they have laying around or they find at
surplus resellers. There are people who repurpose retired military
radios or commercial public service equipment for the ham bands.
Then there is all the vintage ham gear from the tube era. There’s
a lot of gear that can be found at estate sales. A quick look
at eBay listings for ham gear and one can see where this old equipment
still carries a fairly hefty price tag. EMR from a Ham Station In calculating EMR from a ham radio antenna is
proportional to the distance from the antenna. An average ham
antenna is used to transmit radio frequencies ranging from 3.5 to 29
MHz Another factor to consider is the physical length of the antenna.
On lower frequencies, the radiation is spread out over the length of
the wire. A good antenna that transmits on 3.5 to 4.0 MHz is one
half of 75 meters or about 123 feet long. This band is labeled
the 80 or 75 meter band.
Is Ham Radio safe?
If a ham radio emits harmful EMR (Electro Magnetic
Radiation) or RFI (Radio Frequency Interference), then you should not
put your cell phone up to your ear. You are exposing yourself
to electromagnetic energy dozens of times more powerful than that you
would get from an average ham’s antenna – and a cell phone does it at
a much higher frequency – microwaves (800,000,000 to 1,900,000,000 Hertz.)
The medical sector still can’t prove that cell/mobile/cordless phones
cause diseases such as cancer. These studies include the 40 years
of cordless phone usage along with the 100 years of radio equipment
exposure. It’s possible for someone standing within 10 feet
of an antenna with 1,500 watts input to be exposed to detrimental amounts
of energy. However, it is illegal for the ham operator to transmit
that much power with anyone or any living thing within a certain distance
to his or her antenna. The hammy would be in violation if they
install an antenna closer than the allowable distance from any living
thing including their neighbor.
The FCC publication: Bulletin 65 – Evaluating
Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
Electromagnetic Fields (Edition 97-01) is required reading by amateurs
operating a station. Conclusion The amount of cumulative energy we are exposed
to in a typical home includes the electrical wiring, mobile phones,
Wi Fi, Bluetooth, cordless phones, PCs, microwave ovens, electrostatic
air cleaners, TVs, and all other electrical appliances in the home. The only thing harmful about the aforementioned
RF sources is the detrimental affect these things have on my sensitive
radio equipment. In my ham shack, I work diligently to get rid
or quiet these sources of RF noise, which in ham terms is called QRM
Believe it or not, my neighbor’s AC heat-pump unit
generates a lot of noise across most of the HF bands – and when it’s
on, I cannot receive anything. S
HF or High Frequency is an archaic term used in the early 1900s
to indicate frequencies between 1600 kHz and 30 MHz This
is also known as the Short Wave Bands.
Morse code is an alphabet or code in which letters, numbers
and punctuation are represented by combinations of long and
short signals of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be
directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without
special equipment.
Open and free as specified in Part 97 FCC rules and regulations.
The Gopher protocol /ˈɡoʊfər/
is a TCP/IP application layer protocol designed for distributing,
searching, and retrieving documents over the Internet. The Gopher
protocol was strongly oriented towards a menu-document design
and presented an alternative to the World Wide Web in its early
stages, but ultimately Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) became
the dominant protocol.
NCSA Mosaic, or simply Mosaic, is the web browser that popularized
the World Wide Web and the Internet. It was also a client for
earlier internet protocols such as File Transfer Protocol, Network
News Transfer Protocol, and Gopher.
The Enforcement Bureau is the primary organizational unit within
the Federal Communications Commission that is responsible for
enforcement of provisions of the Communications Act, the Commission's
rules, Commission orders and terms and conditions of station
Effective Radiated Power